Trinity Vestry

  • Gary Bradley

    Gary Bradley

    Senior Warden

    Gary has been attending Trinity since 2021 and joined the Vestry in 2023. Gary is a pharmacist but works in healthcare IT to make anything related to pharmacy safer for patients. Gary and his husband, Rob, felt immediately comfortable at Trinity since their initial visit. They both love this smaller country church where you get to know everyone and can be involved. (Term expires 2026)

  • Jennifer Ambrosino

    Jennifer Ambrosino

    Junior Warden

    In June 2022, Jennifer moved to the Northern Neck from New Jersey, where she raised her two children. She soon found Trinity and joined the Episcopal church in 2023. She appreciates the friendliness and warmth of the people and Pastor of Trinity. Jennifer especially enjoys being able to bring her dog to church.

    Jennifer has held a long career with AT&T, holding several positions as a Billing Process Engineer and Project Manager. (Term expires 2026)

  • Clay Wright

    Clay Wright

    Junior Warden

    Clay Wright is a long time member of the Northern Neck Community. He joined the Vestry of Trinity in 2024. (Term Expires 2027)

  • Aaron Rowland

    Aaron Rowland

    Aaron and his wife, Taryn, have been coming to Trinity since 2019. He runs a small oyster farm, Rogue Oysters. Aaron and Taryn became proud parent of Bastian in 2024. (Term Expires 2025)

  • Nan Alga

    Nan Alga

    Nan grew up in Lancaster County and as a child was a member of Trinity Church where she was baptized and confirmed. After she and David married, they eventually moved to Mecklenburg County, Virginia, where they raised their three children and were members of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church.

    Nan is a retired educator from the public school system, having served as a teacher, principal, and human resource director. She is excited about. the opportunity to serve on the Vestry at Trinity. Nan Alga joined the Vestry in 2024. (Term Expires 2027)

  • Ellen Tracey

    Ellen Tracey

    Ellen has been attending Trinity since 2001. Previously, she was a computer analyst for both government and private industry, and has brought that knowledge to Trinity. She has led the effort to upgrade the technology at the church and pavilion and to stream services for those who cannot attend in person. When not managing the live stream, you will see her with her dog, Fiona, at church on Sundays. She has served on the Vestry twice before and was asked to fill an unexpired term starting in 2023. (Term expires 2025)

  • Liza Hearns

    Liza Hearns


    Liza and her wife, Pat, have been coming to Trinity since 2022 after she retired as IT Director for the US Environmental Protection Agency. They have been coming to the Northern Neck for 30 years but made the permanent move in 2021. They both are active with the Upper Lancaster Food Pantry and volunteer at both Trinity and St. Mary’s Whitechapel.